Practical skills include:


speaks and reads Italian at the native level, (Dante, Pasolini etc.)familiar with both Florentine and Neapolitan/Sicilian Dialects
speaks and reads Spanish at the native level.(John of the Cross, Hurtado, Romero, etc.) familiar with the dialects of several areas such as Mexico, Columbia, Santo Domingo, and others.,br>Can read French at the level of Lamarke or Carnot, has studied German, Greek and Hebrew to read religious and philosophical texts.
Has studied the Japanese alphabet.

mental health counseling, familiar with the works of Kleckley, Lainge, and others, as well as the practices of hospitals such as McLeans.
garden related. Various languages, non-profit management, legal and secretarial skills, web and course design, property management, bricklaying, woodcutting gardening basic automotive mechanics, cooking. Kayaking and outdoor activities.